
Tablas de verdad matemáticas discretas

Lógica matemática Matemáticas discretas Introducción The truth tables is a strategy of simple logic that allows to establish the validity of several proposals regarding any situation, that is, determines the necessary conditions for a proposed statement to be true, allowing them to be classified in tautological (they are true during any situation ) contradictory (they are false statements in most cases) or contingent (statements that can not be as true as false there is no tendency to one direction). It allows different aspects of the statement as the conditions that make it true and what are its logical conclusions, that is, if the proposed statement is true or false. This table was devised by Charles Sander Peirce around 1880, but the most used is the updated model by Luidwin Wittgenstein in 1921. Lógica (concepto) La Lógica es la Ciencia que expone las leyes, modos y formas de raciocinio.- proposición  Una propos...